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Spiritual Counselling: Service

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)

"To listen to your body and respect how it feels is a powerful act of self-love."

- Sonia Choquette



Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy or BCST is a subtle and gentle approach to the human experience. It is a gentle, profound, non-invasive, hands-on treatment for the whole body.

Reiki Treatment

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a very soft, respectful and subtle form of therapy working with regulation of the nervous system through gentle touch. It is a branch of Cranial Osteopathy and is fast gaining popularity due to its non-invasive yet highly effective and supportive methods. It is an excellent way to address the disorders or imbalances in the most safe and effective way; and for restoring health & resiliency in the body with a very naturalistic approach.

BCST is supportive for:
- Migraines / Headaches / Hormonal Imbalances
- Back / Neck / Shoulder Pain
- TMJ Issues / Chronic Pains
- Stress / Anxiety / Psycho-somatic issues
- Sleep / Digestion Disorders
- Trauma and Shock support / Accident / Emotional Injuries
- Supporting Wellness in Cancer Patients / Stroke Patients

- Support for Young mothers and babies: Pre-birth / Post-birth


At Soulsphere we offer one-on-one sessions with Angelina Richa, BCST, RCST®, SEP, IABT - North America, ICSB - Switzerland

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